Title Editorial: The 13th Annual International Religious Tourism & Pilgrimage Conference in Vilnius /
Authors Liutikas, Darius
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Is Part of International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage.. Technological University Dublin. 2023, 11, 4, 2, p. 1-6.. ISSN 2009-7379
Keywords [eng] Religious Tourism & Pilgrimage ; Annual Conference ; Vilnius
Abstract [eng] The 13th Annual International Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Conference was held in Vilnius from 29th June to 2nd July 2022. The conference was attended by the leading researchers in religious tourism and pilgrimage from around the world. Researchers from the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Latvia, Japan, the United States, Australia, Italy, Slovakia and other countries delivered speeches at the Conference in person. More speakers connected virtually. More than 40 participants from around the world took part in total and more than 30 papers were delivered during the conference. The aim of the conference was to present the latest research and personal insights of researchers on the changing nature of religion in society and to encourage the academic community to discuss how various new challenges affect the development of religious tourism and pilgrimage. Topics covered included the impact of COVID-19 on religious tourism and pilgrimages, the motives for pilgrimage, the holy places and routes of pilgrims, the relationship between religious tourism and cultural heritage, and the theoretical perspectives of religious tourism. Keynote speeches included the presentations of Archbishop of Vilnius, Metropolitan Gintaras Grušas, Vitor Ambrosio from Portugal and Jaeyeon Choe from the UK.
Published Technological University Dublin
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023