Title When Does a Gift Become a Bribe? Insights for Combating Petty Corruption? /
Authors Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė, Eglė
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Is Part of Revista Internacional de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia.. Almerijos universitetas. 2022, 28, p. 89-108.. ISSN 2255-1824
Keywords [eng] corruption ; gift ; bribe ; illegal rewards ; petty bribery.
Abstract [eng] The article analyses arguments explaining social informal exchanges in parallel with legal norms in society. First, it examines the origins of informal exchange of goods and services in the society whereby first, discloses and provides examples of differences of legal and social norms regulating gifts and other informal exchange; second, provides an explanation of these differences, and third, provides explanation of causes which lead to such differences. The article is based on the assumption that legal and social norms should be conforming, only in such way it is possible to expect efficiency of legal regulation on the behavior of members of the society. By analyzing the existing discrepancies, the work provides insights together with proposed criteria to distinguish a bribe from a justifiable gift, what action should be taken to reduce the prevalence of minor corruption.
Published Almerijos universitetas
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2022