Title Assessment of the agricultural performance amid the structural change /
Translation of Title Žemės ūkio ekonominio rezultatyvmo vertinimas struktūrinių pokyčių kontekste.
Authors Šapolaitė, Vaida
DOI 10.20334/2023-048-M
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Pages 194
Keywords [eng] Total factor productivity ; Bennet indicator ; Economic surplus ; Land and-to-labour ratio ; intermediate consumption
Abstract [eng] Strategic management decisions in regulating any economic sector require an integrated methodology for assessing its performance. The main sources of total factor productivity growth in agriculture include improving agricultural practices and ensuring optimal input intensities. A total factor productivity analysis is closely related to the problem of productivity measures and data sources. Multiple factors often characterise a particular activity, and aggregation is needed to capture the available information. Lithuania’s agriculture has seen transformations related to the EU accession, especially implementing the common agricultural policy (CAP). Public support is often given to maintain the quality of environmental protection by increasing the provision of services, ensuring food affordability and promoting technological progress. Agricultural total factor productivity studies can help determine whether the performance of the agricultural sector is improving due to public support measures or other factors. Following scientific research examining the productivity analysis of farmers’ farms, the dissertation aims to create a methodology for assessing agricultural performance and to apply it to assess selected EU countries at various aggregation levels. A total factor productivity assessment method was developed to assess the main trends determining agricultural productivity growth and apply the obtained results to international comparisons. An analysis of a total factor productivity growth was performed using different calculation methods. Differences in the agricultural labour productivity were decomposed in terms of land and labour endowments and intermediate consumption. This allows shedding more light on the development of the agricultural sectors of the Baltic States from the viewpoint of labour productivity. The analysis showed structural changes and production growth in the agricultural sectors of selected countries. New technologies and production practices are being applied in the agricultural sector, and the average farm size and farming specialization are changing. As a result of these changes, relative input and output prices and farm incomes have changed.
Dissertation Institution Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023