Title Social Integration of Millenial Generation in the Lithuanian Armed Forces - What Cultural Challenges are Waiting for Organization to Retain Individuals in the Military Service? /
Authors Balsys, Paulius
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Is Part of Challenges to national defence in contemporary geopolitical situation. 2022, p. 162-168.. ISSN 2669-2023. eISSN 2538-8959
Keywords [eng] Millenialls ; structuration theory, military sociology ; social integration ; Lithuanian armed forces
Abstract [eng] Millenialls currently are one of the largest members of the age cohorts performing military service among the world armies, also in the armed forces of Lithuania. The expectations of Millenialls individuals are far more individualistic compared to previous generations: generation X, baby boomers. Researches show that millennials more often quit their jobs if the content of jobs do not meet their individual expectations. The vast majority of early military retirees in the Lithuanian armed forces belong to the category of junior officers (senior lieutenants and captains). The aim of this research is to reveal the value features of the social integration of the individuals of the millennium generation (officers, non-commissioned officers) serving in the Lithuanian Armed Forces. The research is done by qualitative research method using a semistructural interview approach- a total of 22 informants were interviewed. The study shows that these sociocultural aspects are condition of social inclusion in the organization (or allienation): the importance of self-realization (more important than career) versus unfulfilled expectations in military service, individual expression versus restriction of individual expression, the importance of favorable conditions to be creative versus meaningless content of the service. This study shows what socio-cultural challenges are relevant when talking about the integration of people today in the Lithuanian Armed Forces and that the socio-cultural content of military service will be increasingly significant and relevant in the future.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022