Title The organic sector in the Nordic-Baltic region – what is achieved, and what is challenging further growth? /
Authors Løes, Anne-Kristin ; Dýrmundsson, Ólafur R ; Kreismane, Dzidra ; Mikkola, Minna ; Pehme, Sirli ; Rasmussen, Ilse A ; Skulskis, Virgilijus ; Wiwstad, Maria
ISBN 9789934145483
eISBN 9789934145490
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Is Part of Nordic view to sustainable rural development, Proceedings of the 25th NJF Congress, Riga, June 16-18, 2015... Riga, 2015. p. 79-84.. ISBN 9789934145483. eISBN 9789934145490
Keywords [eng] Consumption ; policy ; premium price
Abstract [eng] This paper compiles statistics for certified organic farmland and organic consumption in the eight Nordic-Baltic countries, and describes main drivers and obstacles, focussing on policy and strategies including organic research. Significant differences are found between the countries, also between countries with relatively comparable climatic and economic conditions. Explanations are discussed. Successful examples, especially Denmark and Sweden, show that organic agriculture is an option for refreshing agriculture in general, when there is a significant political will to support this farming practice.
Published Riga, 2015
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2015