Title Regionų plėtros ir gerovės teritorinių skirtumų vertinimas šalyje viduriniosios klasės raidos kontekste /
Translation of Title Assessment of region development and territorial differences of population welfare in the context of development of middle class.
Authors Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Laima ; Pocius, Arūnas ; Sviklas, Eduardas Kęstutis
DOI 10.15823/su.2020.53.5
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Is Part of Socialinis ugdymas.. Vilnius : VDU Švietimo akademija. 2020, t. 53, Nr. 1, p. 83-108.. ISSN 1392-9569. eISSN 2351-6011
Keywords [eng] region development ; middle class ; welfare ; wage ; income inequality ; economic disparities between different regions
Abstract [eng] The aim of the article is to evaluate the differences in welfare in the regions of the country and to review the possibilities of the formation of the middle class in the context of the development of the population income (wage). For the purpose of assessing differences in the well-being of the population, the article widely uses the wage rate. Despite the fact that wages may not be the only and comprehensive criterion of well-being, they remain a crucial indicator of their assessment, on which the income of most regions and their families depends. On the other hand, when it comes to differences in the welfare of the population at municipal level, the lack of statistical information makes the wage indicator particularly useful. It is important to examine differences in the well-being of the population on the basis of the wage rate, because the high indicator differentiation in regions significantly impedes the development of a strong middle class and increases the risk of social exclusion for lower-income people and their families.
Published Vilnius : VDU Švietimo akademija
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020